The Extraordinary Mixtures Special

Over the years, we’ve had such fun creating new combinations of naturalizing varieties into mixtures that can transform gardens and landscapes for years to come. Here are four of our special blends that can act as garden blankets through which Tulips and Narcissi can emerge with even more spark. (For such an effect, plant the Tulips or Narcissi first to their proper depth. Then, cover them with a 2” layer of soil, and place these little bulbs over them, covering them with another 4” of soil.) Or group the individual clusters along spring path borders.

Individually bagged and labeled, it is specially priced 20% less than our already terrific prices. Normal shipping charges apply. Top size bulbs. Plant 4” deep and 4” apart. All of these are small-sized bulbs, even though they are top-sized, so they are easy to plant! Horticultural zones 5-8.

  • 100 Anemone blanda Windflower Mixture: The Grecian Windflower. Deep blue daisy-like flowers with accents of white and pink with fern-like foliage. Bulb size: 5 cm/up. Bloom time: April/May. 4” tall.
  • 100 Glorious Chionodoxa Mixture: The Glory of the Snow. Star- shaped flowers in blue and white with a smattering of pink and violet. Bulb size: 5 cm/up. Bloom time: April. 5” to 6” tall.
  • 100 Shades-of-Blue Iris reticulata Mixture: Our ever-popular blend includes six named varieties from dark purplish-blue to the palest of blues. Bulb size: 6 cm/up. Bloom time: Late March-early April. 4” to 6”.
  • 100 Woodland Squill Mixture: Wood Squill. Our beauteous blend includes electric sky blue, pale blue, pink and white name varieties. Bulb size: 8 cm/up. Bloom time: March-April. 4” to 5” tall.
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Available in units of 400.

1 Unit 400 bulbs $74.95
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