There is nothing more lovely than to give flower bulbs as a gift at fall events like weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, private parties, memorials, school or family reunions, and corporate meetings.

Flower bulbs are a perfect present: not only are they environmentally friendly, they will create beauty, magic and memories in the spring gardens of your guests. Spring flower bulbs are an eternal symbol of hope and rebirth. Gifts of flower bulbs are like a double present: a gift at the time of the event, and a gift at bloom time!

For late fall and mid-winter gifts of indoor bulbs, Amaryllis bestow huge colorful flowers, and Paperwhites yield sweetly fragrant, delicate white flowers. You may choose from Christmas Flowering Amaryllis bulbs (available for shipment late September), Royal Dutch Hybrid Amaryllis (available for shipment mid October) and our Art & Soul of Winter Gift Box Amaryllis and Paperwhites (available for shipment mid October).

When placing your order, make sure to tell us the event date and by which date you would like to receive your flower bulbs so that you may repackage them in advance.


-- Outdoor flower bulb varieties that will be available for early shipment after Labor Day in 2024 will be identified and posted here in August. --


The best way to present a gift of flower bulbs is to repackage them in Chinese food boxes, tulle fabric bundles, paper gift bags or even regular paper lunch bags with holes punched in the sides. Each container can be tailored to the event with hanging gift tags, product label stickers and raffia or ribbon, in colors corresponding to the event. There are numerous online sites through which you can easily create labels or gift tags on which to commemorate the event and identify the flower bulb with brief planting instructions. Check out for personally designed labels and for gift bags and ribbons.

These types of packaging provide the living flower bulbs with good air ventilation until your guests can bring them home and plant them at the proper time for their area. Regardless of the event date, flower bulbs should not be planted until the ground chills down to around 55°F (after about two weeks of night time temperatures hovering in the 40s). When you place your order, you may ask us to mail you our Horticultural Tips brochure in advance of order receipt so you can prepare your packaging with planting tips. Or, you may use the online horticultural tips detailed for each variety.

Flower Bulb Receipt and Inspection
When you receive your order from us, open the exterior carton and interior cartons and inspect the bulbs. Keep them in a cool, dry spot (50° to 70°F)  with good air circulation out of direct sunlight until just prior to repackaging the bulbs before the event. Once repackaged, again store the bulbs in a cool, dry spot with good air circulation. When you arrange the bulb packages for distribution at your event, it's best to keep them in a spot separate from place settings even though they are clean and safe.

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